Families and Politics
I find it so interesting that many people in a family can have such different opinions on politics. You would think that through DNA and upbringing that the entire immediate family would have close to or exactly the same views on political issues, but it's not always the case, if at all.
I have people in my family that fall on the conservative side, somewhere in the middle, and the liberal side. Some are authoritarian and some are more tolerant of someone elses personal choices etc.
I'm kind of a mediator when political discussions come up and if necessary I can withhold my tongue as to not have conflict with family. Some discussions between my family can have conflict, but it's not to the point where people are really fighting. Some just can't see the other's point of view and sometimes insults are thrown though.
Do you all have family members with different political beliefs? How do you handle it? Do you fight and argue a lot? Do you not speak at all? Are you all respectful of the others ideologies? How is it possible to have such different opinions in the same immediate family with basically the same DNA and upbringing?