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What is your greatest talent? (and I didn't post this is the Deviants group so we'll just keep those talents, though admirable, off the list, eh?)

Seeker3CO 8 Nov 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Accurately defining problems and finding the most practical path to their solution.

Not that people always believe me. As we say in software development, "you can have it fast, correct, or cheap -- pick any two".


I wish you would have posted this question on the Deviants' page. I don't want to brag in the Philosophy & Meaning page, ya know? 😊 KIDDING! 😅

I can chew my gum and walk at the same time? I can dance with 2 left feet? I can sing... solo. So low you can't hear me?🤔


Making pottery!

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