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There has been a lot of talk about psychedelic drugs. It is common knowledge that people in Silicon Valley micro dose for expanded creativity in their work, with no side effects, except better output. After reading Michael Pollan's book, How To Change Your Mind, responsible use could be helpful in all sorts of treatments. Many people in the 70's dropped acid just for fun, without being fully informed and gave it a bad name. Knowing what we didn't know 50 years ago, would you want to try it, or, if you have done it before, what was your experience and would you do it again, if you had the opportunity? []

BrigittaCuadros 6 Nov 11

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I would be open to it. But I'd want some factual data to go on, not just hope.


I took a fair amount of psychedelics back in the day, and I think it expanded my thinking and changed who I became.


I did and have benefitted greatly from my expanded mind. I have had no bad experiences, After reading the Michael Pollan book , I was hopeful for the future, moreso now that the FDA has given its permission for studies of Psilocibin for treatment of depression.


I am not sure that there are no side effects. Unless you have been monitored by a physician before and after your drug take you don't really know.

Yes, I reallly do know.

@Spinliesel What you are a physician?

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