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Nationalism is a silly cock crowing on his own dunghill. - Richard Aldington-

J Keith Corbridge commented 11 hrs ago. I concur and agree with everything he states.

I guess I'm confusing some of you. Or you think I'm confused.

I am very easy to understand.

I care about the well-being of people. That's it.

I don't care - at all - about what you don't like or what offends you. I don't have any loyalty to one political party or the other. Right now, the Republican Party is morally and intellectually bankrupt so I stand firmly against their platform. I'm not loyal to Democrats. I simply despise everything - everything - in what currently passes for the Republican 'platform'.

I don't care if your gun fetish (they're useless ego-toys), or if you're so misinformed as to think a blastocyst is an actual 'person'. It is impossible to measure just how little regard I have for the god(s) you believe exist - or what that god is supposed to want. That's noise to me.

I care about people. REAL people. Not mythical beings from Ayne Rand or the Bible. I don't care 'who shrugged'. Snakes don't talk. Human sacrifices.don't work. And please - don't try to save me with your gun. Stay the fuck home and 'polish your barrel'.

And I loathe - absolutely loathe - all laws, all creed's, all myths, and all political positions that promote greed, myth, lust, bigotry, biases, or plain old tribalism (nationalism) at the expense of equality before the law. Right now, the GOP is antagonistic to true freedom. If they become about true freedom and equal application before the law - without being a theocracy, I could vote for them tomorrow.

But this won't happen anytime soon.

I despise the right because their version of 'well-being' is applicable only to white, protestant Americans. I despise Christianity because it's based on the ugly lie that we're born 'sinners'... born broken - and the only way to be fixed is to celebrate the murder of an innocent man from Iron Age Palestine. And don't worry - I despise the dogmas of Judaism and Islam no less. Primitive nonsense and the belief that 'Hell' is real are never foundations for well-being. These ideas hurt people. They scar people. And what good they do is based on a lie. They're not real and I refuse to pretend they are because people want them to be true. I know this is harsh. But it's also honest. Don't blame me. I'm not the one who's making up reasons to hate, or fear, or judge.

If you're objectively doing something that contributes to the well-being of people without lying to them - we're good. If not. There's the door. I'm done pretending your fetishes matter. Whether your savior is Bernie, Jesus, Trump, or the plumber - I really don't care. You're not your beliefs. Stop pretending you are.

The Laissez Faire of the Tea Party and the Left's relentless policing of language/ideas are the pinnacles of stupidity. They guarantee conversations end before they start . . . And if we can't talk to each other, we can't even begin to be good to each other. And we sure can't address real issues when we're obsessing over unreal threats like socialists, caravans, gluten, or 'The Man'.

(Late Addition: 10:55pm)
BTW - I have family and friends in the LGBT community. So if you're not actively working to guarantee their rights are protected over the petty obsessions with sex/gender/genetalia that have held us hostage for 2000 years - leave. Go. Don't say goodbye. Don't message me. Don't come to my home. And don't speak to me. Ever. If you're treating people unfairly because of some archaic notions that have NO basis in biology, I assure you ... navel lint is more important than your opinions.


This was word soup.
That's ok.
It's late and meds have kicked in.
You don't care.
So I shouldn't either.

zblaze 7 Nov 13

Enjoy being online again!

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So very well stated. I applaud you.


Well now! You're full of piss and vinegar today!

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