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I respect and enjoy therapy as a means of growth and self-analysis. In discussing techniques to cope with anxiety, my therapist mentioned crystals as a viable option to help anxiety. I instantly lost all respect for her as a professional. However, up until this point, I have enjoyed our sessions. How would you approach the situation? I have qualms with continuing therapy with someone who believes that crystals can heal me, but I have an aversion to starting the process over.

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Phantom_mind1 4 Nov 16

Enjoy being online again!

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What might have you said that would lead her to think you would be interested in such?

And, never underestimate the power of the almighty placebo.

@Phantom_mind1 I thought maybe some comment of yours prompted her to think you would be receptive. . . . Well, being a good listener does not necessarily translate to understanding.


The placebo effect is very real. If you believe crystals can help you, they likely will. If you find them "scientific woo" they will most likely have no effect.

It is possible that crystals do (placebo effect) work for some of those she works with (and/or herself). If you are gaining from her input, I would tell her crystals are not an option and make further decisions based on your level of satisfaction with her respect for you position and your progress.


Ibwould be gone instantly . They are a joke


Explain to her that that approach is not in your wheelhouse and would appreciate her not pursuing that approach again. If she insists pursuing, find someone else.

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