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This is why I fight..

Charlene 9 Nov 16

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Tell me where to be and when, if it is close by. Sorry I am too old and poor to travel far. If letters need to be sent give me name and address of who is to get it and a little about why. Have hand can write and seal an envelope.

Thanks for the offer , but I don't take names nor addresses..


How about just say "This is why we are so angry". It puts me off as soon as people start to swear.

@maturin1919 I think it has to do with anger. And I am not talking about ordinary anger but violence.

@Jolanta You mean the violence that myself and community deal with daily 24/7, 365, around the world? Or the implied violence spewed by Drump? Or erasing Transpeoples right to live in the light?..I live with the threat of violence every time I walk out my door...Don't care for the word " Fucking"?.. My communities fucking anger makes you "Uncomfortable"?..Sorry, not sorry in the fucking least.

@Charlene I have seen this IRL with a dear friend, the danger, and it is FUCKING SCARY!

@Qualia Living with that fear daily is, at times, overwhelming..and thanks Gf..

@Charlene I'll never forget the one incident. I was freaking out at things these guys were saying to my friend and he was all "Eh, I've heard worse. They're not going to do anything".
I'm all WTF? ? Get to the car- NOW! It scared the shit out of me.

@Charlene Charlene any anger make me uncomfortable no matter where it come from. And by the way what do you think you will achieve by it, just someone who will be even more angrier and then the violence starts.


Agreed !

Support & empathy is a strength many politicians will never experience.



For all of my friends of any sexual memory of my friend "Kathy" who was bullied so much she committed suicide...I fight for her.

I really should not be sharing this, but here it goes. I learned from being that bully I'm ashamed to admit. I was young and stupid, and when my best friend was forced to admit he was gay, I shunned him when I should have supported him. I found his body hanging from a tree on a path to school. That image along with my shame is scared on my brain until the day I die and I deserve it.

@paul1967 Forgive yourself and let it go...we did not have the advantage of this much information and adults, we can continue to share information and our stories to create a brighter future for all and to protect those whom others set out to harm. That is your reason to fight: move on to help the future, not dwell in the past...your bravery in sharing this painful story might help others as well...I commend you.

@thinktwice I have no shame in admitting that you brought me to tears with that.

@paul1967 you know and understand..let your self loathing makes no sense bring it into the future..hold what he meant as a friend close..fight for a better future of inclusiveness...we all deserve that..❤


I may be a straight man but love is not limited to sexual preference and I'll always have your back.

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