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Why would someone go to an atheist conference? Is it necessary?

Moomer 3 Feb 9

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Hey there young member... do your homework before you muscle your way around in here...


I've read all the replies to you, @Moomer and the then all of your replies to everybody.

What I don't understand is why you did not include your anti-conference thoughts in your original post.

To ME it seems disingenuous to ask a seemingly innocuous or genuinely curious question, and then respond to each person with an air of superiority because you essentially think conferences are lame.


Necessary? Probably not. But it might be fun.


For booze, fun and commiseration!


I've been to a few. They can be a lot of fun and a great place to meet like minded people.


It looks like all the good answers are taken yet to be honest why would anyone go to any conference meeting of any kind other than to meet like minded people or make new friends. I know that's why I go to different conferences other than to learn from everyone and see the different points of views that everyone has.


I go to Horror conventions to catch up on new books and movies. I enjoy meeting the celebrities who bring HORROR to life. This explains why I would enjoy an atheist convention. Plus get out of town and see the country. Who wouldn't enjoy meeting the very smart people who lead the field.


Community like the other comments. Not sure what qualifies as intelligent, but talking with people that can understand what your saying sounds relieving.


Feeling of community? Meet new friends? Why does anyone go to any gathering?

@Moomer you will most likely hear about other conferences and groups......another reason for the conference


.. its to meet people. Maybe form a chapter and get people interested in going...

Moomer, would you go to a conference of anything - pick a subject, any subject, you are interedsted in - model airplane conference, science conference, an ACLU conference, a do-it-yourself confernce, a yoga conference, an environment preservation conference?

@Moomer. Look outside the box Moomer


No conference is necessary for survival, is it? But, people still go.

I kinda wish I could go. Especially to see Hugh Laurie!

I've never been and for me, it would be super cool just to be around a TON of other non-believers! That is like HEAVEN! LOL!!!

But, alas, with short time to think about it and add it to the budget, and with my not recognizing enough of the speakers, and with it being in Oklahoma (Hi, Silvereyes! Are you going?), it just isn't pulling me this year.

Perhaps next year.

Are you going, @Moomer? What is your view on conferences? What is your view on the atheist conference? Do you think the atheist conference is necessary or unnecessary?


I would go to meet like minded individuals. I live in a very small town just north of Indiana. It is a VERY religious and right wing area. To hang out with intelligent open minded people for a few days would be LOVELY. 🙂

@Moomer What do you mean by "It does feel like it hangs one at times?"

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