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Why is 99% of humanity so abysmally ignorant of the known (discovered) structure of the universe and even that of a cell in their body, yet waste their lives obsessed with the laughable texts of the insane believers of religion - lots of them are paid for their writings and often extort money from subjugated people who are miserable enough without their predation. Will religious indoctrination ever become a criminal offence? If not, is lobotomy going too far? (joke)

lonelylion 1 Nov 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Lots of people think without their texts there is no hope. Personally I think there may be hope, but we need look beyond religious texts find it.


People need something to believe in. It makes it difficult to shed that once you have it, and doubly so when it is a part of your core being. Even when you shed it, there is always this nagging voice in your head that questions your choices- "what of you're wrong and there is a god?" I do envy those born into atheistic families on that one. I also hate the charlatans in religion and also the justifications of hate from them.

Religious beliefs can be comforting for people. The more I learn about science, and neurobiology In Particular, the more I realize that all religious experience happen in our bodies, and are supported. By group practices. It’s too clear. Even meditation and Yoga. It is disappointing, but that’s what I see. There is no out there out there. Better info might be in Quantum Physics.


Two words that caught my attention in your summary; “insane believers”. With all the hatred in America and around the world it’s a matter of time before one of the god fearing hate groups commits an act that they believe is their god giving right to commit... I think the court will likely rule that the offender carried their religion too far; as in the case of the attempted shoe bomber....

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