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This is Buddy. (imagine a picture of very lovable dog here)

I bought him as a surprise present for my husband. But, as fate would have it, he's allergic to dogs.

So, unfortunately, I'm going to have to find a new home for him, and I'm just wondering if anyone out there can help ? His name is Alan, he’s 61, great at DIY, drives a nice car and plans wonderful holidays.

JacarC 8 Nov 17

Enjoy being online again!

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If he can cook, clean and do laundry, I’d have to think about it.

Does he get his own room?

Retirement benefits?

@Jacar Well he would have but now my daughter is moving back with some of her stuff and cats so there won’t be too much room for us. Will she cook (I don’t do much)? I don’t know. Sigh

@kltuckmn . . . I am sad for you.

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