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How long have you all been agnostic for? For me it's been a lifetime but I'm curious to the how's and why's and how longs.

darien75 7 Nov 18

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I was around twelve years old and I had a moment where I thought to myself that the entire thing sounds like a fairytale. All the bible stories really didn’t help either. They all seemed more like the bedtime stories in books. Later in 8th grade, when I started in science class and we were learning about biology and evolution, it made so much more sense to me than the story in the book of Genesis. I asked my teacher, who I will not name, if there were any books I could read outside of class to learn more about evolution. He wouldn’t refer anything to me so I decided to research it. I found a copy of “The Blind Watchmaker” in my local library. By the time I was done reading it I wanted more. I can’t place a specific moment as THE moment but between the age of twelve and fifteen, I had stopped believing. I didn’t “come out” until I was twenty-two.


Same... from birth.


Great question. When asked I always tell people it has been a "Long Strange Journey". Here it is as a time line. Born Lutheran - baptized -confirmed-(college)-chanted with the Krishna's-existentialism-(family &back to church)-Sunday School Teacher-Deacon-break-tried catholic-Buddhist-taoist and finally atheist.


I've been mentally agnostic for about 5 years, but I only just escaped from Mormonism a month ago.
Mormonism is one hell of a cult.


Since the age of reason, i.e., puberty.


TLDR: Agnostic aprox 26 years / Atheist aprox 8 years
Agnostic Christian from the age of 8.
A mix of atheist and deist from the age of 9.
Left the catholic church at 12 but simultaniously started buying into witchcraft/new-age stuff.
Agnostic witchcraft/new-age stuff person from about 24ish.
After that just lost all the rest of my faith bit by bit until nothing was left at 26.

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