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We spend our lives waiting. Time to start doing.

Jolanta 9 Nov 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Seem to acquire most of my news from the BBC, which half the time is reporting on the US.. Listened to a piece on “RunAsYouAre.” I was extremely impressed with the concept ...if another program aimed to promote women only. Thinking about it today, it is brilliant.

Having worked behind the scenes on numerous political campaigns and organizations, when ‘recruiting candidates’ (akin to pulling teeth), they’d too often decline because they’ve ‘no prior experience.’ Maybe someday, the Democratic Party for example, might adopt a ‘run as you are’ strategy. Because ... “We spend our lives waiting. Time to start doing.

Varn Level 8 Nov 19, 2018

I love the decline for having "no prior experience", have to start somewhere.

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