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Would some kind soul explain to me how to upload a video from facebook??

WayneDalton 8 Nov 20

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I'm in the same boat . I'm on a tablet and this is much different than a laptop . I can't figure out how to post from FB or YouTube either.


@WayneDalton No problem, lol


Two ways to post a video from Facebook.

  1. Copy and paste the web address from teh browser into your post.

  2. Look at the title of the video on Youtube and if it is there, then copy and paste the web address out of the browser and put it into you post. The advantage of this option, even if it is a little more trouble, is that the video will play in your post without a person having to leave the site and go to Facebook to watch it. peopel are much mor elikley to view the video if it plays directly from right inside your post.

Sometimes, if I see a Facebook video where only the Facebook link is posted, but he video is really good, I will re-post it with a direct Youtube link myself to make it easier for site users to view it.


As far as I know you can only link to videos on other sites.

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