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Hi. I am the New Guy. What an amazing website! Has anyone heard of or possibly been diagnosed with adult reactive attachment disorder? I have diagnosed myself with it tentatively....

inthecloset 6 Nov 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Do you think you lack empathy?

@inthecloset we all have a SIDE that does, some may call it the Id. To what extent does lack of empathy rule ones' actions? I doubt one could maintain family and friends if an anitsocal disorder were present. But I'm no dr.

I think labels are only helpful insofar as they are a prelude to helpful treatment. If you are unwilling to seek help for issues that trouble you, what is the benefit of diagnosis, self or otherwise?

@inthecloset I say fuck observers. Most people are too self absorbed to truly notice what's really going on with another person. If you feel like you're doin' alright, and no one else has notifed you of serious issues, e.g. alcoholism, homicide, marital trouble, etc. Do you!


Hello and welcome to the site. Engage in conversation and find some groups that meet your needs. You’ll meet some great people.
It’s unfortunate that you’ve been diagnosed with RAD well into adulthood. I can only speculate that it has caused significant issues in your relationships. Typically diagnosed in childhood due to severe trauma and neglect.
I hope you get a definitive diagnosis and seek appropriate treatment.


The other one gets arrested for not stopping the crime.

EMC2 Level 8 Nov 21, 2018

Welcome, hope you get the answers you're looking for.

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