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Help us grow the No Fossil Fuel Money caucus in Congress:

For the first time in ages, climate change is the talk of the town in Washington, DC. Bold new leaders on Capitol Hill like Rep.-Elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have taken Congress by storm with their powerful vision of a government that works for the people of the U.S., not for big polluters.

Thirty-five members of the new Congress – including Ocasio-Cortez and many other great new Reps. – have already pledged to reject donations from Big Oil, Gas, and Coal. Nationwide, over 1,300 candidates have signed, and hundreds of them won major victories earlier this month in the midterm elections.

But so far, Rep. Barbara Lee from California is the only candidate for Democratic House leadership who’s committed to fully rejecting the influence of the fossil fuel industry.

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of-the-mountain 9 Nov 26

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You got my vote.

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