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This one again. Thoughts on free will and whether or not it exists. I don’t believe it does. What do you think?

MrControversy 7 Nov 27

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God, they say, gives us freewill to choose to avoid evil. Well folks, we freethinkers have got it right.

We are chosing to avoid the very creator of evil, GOD HIMSELF!

Read Isaiah 45:7. (King James Version)

" . . . And create evil, I the Lord God do all these things."

There ya have it, Biblegod admits that HE is the source of evil we are to avoid. Hence all those who claim to be in heaven and be with him after death are in for a rude awakening.


The only actionable / relevant thing in my view is that we have freedom of choice from a finite and often rather limited menu of possibilities.

True free will would require that one be an omnipotent deity. And promoters of such beings don't even have the imagination to portray them as true free agents, with zero dependencies or limitations. At a minimum, they voluntarily limit themselves. In practice, as portrayed, they are usually limited by character flaws exhibited by the most ignorant and selfish humans.


'Free will' is a meaningless term. The question of existence only becomes relevant when we have a clear understanding what it even means. So there might be a scientific definition of 'will' which we could come to accept but using the word 'free' without any qualifiers is just fallacious thinking. We can talk about being free from something, that would make more sense. So this will, is it free from our biology, free from evolutionary instincts, free from gravity? Of course not.

Dietl Level 7 Nov 27, 2018

If you think it doesn't exist, then why are you asking the question? Do you think you have the free will to change your opinion, based upon the answers of others? Without free will, there is no knowledge.


It does but there’s now penalties for it and in some cases rightfully so but mostly the mindset is conformity breeds followers for pre designated leadership to manipulate and prosper from.

Which is why when someone speaks out nowadays it’s more likely that their immediate peers will feel compelled to put them in check so as to alarm their masters.


If we expect to live in a society where we cooperate with others "free will" will most likely be sacrificed for the benefit of society.


To quote Christopher Hitchens "Of course we have free will. We have no choice."

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