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Proud of my kid today...

We've always encouraged our nine-year-old to find her own path with religion. We've told her what we think and why, but have said to her that she should make her own mind up about whether she thinks God is real and whether she wants to believe the Bible stories.

We've tried to equip her with skepticism and critical thinking skills, in the hopes that they would provide her with a decent degree of inoculation.

Well, last night, she asked us if we could get her excluded from religious assemblies in school and church-oriented events at Brownies as she finds them "pointless and creepily unsettling".

Got there by herself! Well done, little'un. ?

Teens and twenties, and all the wild thinking that comes with them may prove to be a different story, but for now we're happy that she's safe from the Catch'em Young onslaught.

DaveMania 6 Nov 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Great job Dad. It’s so much better to come to any realization yourself than being indoctrinated for or against any religious practice.


My sister's kids have thanked her repeatedly for not raisin them to be Mormon like we (she, myself and all of our sibling) were.

I think at some point most kids nto raised to be indoctrinated really appreciate it.


That's all you can do... provide all the facts and let them make up their own mind. And that's how it should be.

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