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I am sorry that I had offended you or anybody out there. Lee E Scott and Lee Everett Scott AirForceNurse1 P.S. Happy Birthday to my sister Lisa Linda Scott (AKA Lisa Scott Lee today). Lee Everett Scott ....I am trying to improve myself due to a past Traumatic Brain Injury AirForceNurse1 []

AirForceRN1 7 Nov 29

Enjoy being online again!

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You did not offend me at all! What is wrong with these people? Too conservative or they cannot think outside of the box? What ever happened to free speech? Freedom of Speech guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution? What happened to your photo there or here Airforcenurse1 Lee? Who took that off and I know you would not have done it.... I know you too well from my friends from Sweden all the way to the USA .... to Russia ... Middle East ...China and back to Fresno, California!


99% sure this is a bot account...

No way Bot!


You don't need too apologize anymore. You are doing fine. Move on and discuss other things. Try and not let whatever happened bother you. Every one offends someone on the internet sometimes if they use it.

MsAl Level 8 Nov 29, 2018

Using an apology to give a shout out to your sister on her Birthday seems odd and makes the apology seem insincere. It's kind of like politicians/celebrities who use their apology to also plug their book or latest movie/show.


I worked on a brain and spinal cord injury unit at Vanderbilt Med. Ctr. for years. The one lesson I learned is that those with brain injuries who never ever give in to them do the best. Dont take "no" for an answer. Keep on truckin'.

Thank you for your comments and support.


Lee E Scott, I am sorry that I had offended you or anybody out there. Lee E Scott and Lee Everett Scott AirForceNurse1 P.S. Happy Birthday to my sister Lisa Linda Scott (AKA Lisa Scott Lee today). Lee Everett Scott ....I am trying to improve myself due to a past Traumatic Brain Injury AirForceNurse1 []

Why did you copy and paste the same thing as your post in the first reply?

@FIREmedic He did it for the double points. He does that on all his posts.

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