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What will happen if Trump pardons Paul Manafort?

paul1967 8 Nov 29

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I don't think Trump will pardon Manafort. Do you see how Trump has no loyalty for anyone but his children?

I think if it came down to him or his children he would throw them to the feds to protect himself. I think Trump will pardon Manafort to keep Manafort quiet. At the very least he'll dangle the carrot to keep Manafort quiet.

Sure....he will dangle the pardon....but never give it IMO@paul1967


I read today that as part of his plea deal, Manafort had to plead guilty to state charges in NJ, VA and CA. So even if Trump makes the terrible decision to pardon the federal charges, he can't do anything about those state charges.

dkp93 Level 8 Nov 29, 2018

Are you sure? I don't know but I was always under the impression the President could Pardon anyone on the state or federal level.

@paul1967 Nope, he can only pardon federal crimes, fortunately.


He will look even more guilty to voters. Democrats coudl easily win runnign a campaign against corruption if he pardons anyone.

Trump won't care as long as he stays out of jail.

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