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Memories are all we have and all we are.
Today is a day of memories for me as today is the day that 31years ago my dad left this world. As such it isn't a day of sadness it's a day of reflection on all the good and bad things that happen in a person's life that go to making those memories memorable.

darien75 7 Nov 30

Enjoy being online again!

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We all hope as we journey through life,nothing but good memories,sadly,that's not the way it goes. Sadness,things let unsaid,simple acts of kindness,forgotten lost in the chemical compositions in our minds,called recollections......


Anniversaries are always hard. Hugs to you.


So sorry for your loss. Even though it was years ago the loss can sometimes rear up and smack us in the head and/or the good memories arrive to alleviate any pain and even produce a few chuckles in remembrance.


Memory, your lamp light is burning holes
Recover the damage, bring it all home
Follow the bliss just like Summer song
Please stay there forever, I'll try to remember
Come home

Don't know why, but your post brought me this song to mind.
The bliss From Volbeat


It's tough losing someone that close to you. I lost a fiancee a little over 19 years ago. Some days, every once in a while it's like the loss is brand new

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