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All the accolades for George HW Bush has my bullshit meter set off. People who achieve a lot of high offices by money, corruption, and lying are not doing so, in my opinion, for the purpose of "service". They're doing it to get as much power and riches as possible. And if the means to get there involves some things which are lacking integrity, it doesn't matter, it's just part of the game. Just sayin'.

MichaelF 6 Dec 1

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David Greenberg has similar thoughts....Is History Being To Kind to George HW Bush?


I’m just sad that he didn’t confess to having his CIA assassination team ( Zapata oil ) there in Dallas to ensure that if Oswald didn’t get the job done then they would.
And they did


So what makes him any different than the other presidents of recent history? Why single him out? They're all a bunch a self-serving, elitist, lying, ass hats.

Show a little class and try to keep politics out of death.

He's not being "singled-out" at all. He deserves the derision he gets.
He earned it.
There's also no way to keep politics out of death. None.
It has nothing to do with "class". It is perfectly acceptable to speak ill of the dead. Especially this particular dead guy. He was a piece of shit.

@KKGator The same can be said of any of the presidents in my lifetime. Being so rabidly hateful toward one of them hurts your credibility politically. It's very easy to see though.

@Piratefish You're calling it being "rabidly hateful", when it's just the truth.
I can also say it of any of the presidents of my lifetime, and I have.
You think it's hurts a person's "credibility" to speak the truth. All of that is nothing more than just your opinion.

He's not being singled out. He's merely the well known person who just died. And there is an overwhelming amount of praise for him simply because he was a u.s. president and he just died. My point is that being a president and dying aren't in and of themselves reason to ignore the lying and corruption that he did to a significant degree. His son was even worse IMO. Moments like this are an opportunity to call attention to the corrupt, horrible political system we have and the results that this system produces.

@MichaelF I just think the timing is poor. Speaking ill of the dead (for the most part) before they are even in the ground just does not feel right. And no one is perfect - there have been much worse than Bush. Just look at the current POTUS.

@Piratefish Agree there are worse. But the timing is on purpose! We need to call attention to things needing to be called attention to when people are paying attention. Call bullshit when the bullshit happens. If he's being painted as a saint, then someone needs to speak up. And then point out the kind of people who win in our electoral system. I don't like sitting by while everyone depicts a corrupt man as wonderful and by "respecting the presidency" we imply that we respect the presidential electoral process. No. That process and those that succeed in it, need to change.

@MichaelF All that usually accomplishes is pissing people off. People who think well of him are not going to change their mind. People who hate him won't change their minds. And people who don't know him well or are undecided won't appreciate it. I see nothing good from it in nearly every case, save for when things like news of Hitler's death are reported. And Bush is not even in the same universe as Hitler.

@Piratefish I'll disagree. I think the public needs constant reminding about the low quality winners of our electoral system. If we EVER want a better system giving us better results, we must keep pointing it out. People who dislike GHWB may get inspired to do more. People who are neutral might start thinking more deeply about it and see the root problem, and people who think highly of him are probably hopeless. Maybe I'm being naive, but aren't these "teachable moments"? Besides it's just hard for me to sit idly by while people praise a lacking in integrity, low quality human being just because he was once President.


An excellent commentary of the maudlinality (is that even a word?) that besets the death of notable figures is Hitchen's The Mourning After about the death of Diana, Princess of Wales

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