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Not that I'm planning on dying any time soon, but what, if any, are your thoughts on a funeral?

gzman02 3 Dec 1

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Fire... turn me to ashes.... I am claustrophobic !!!!!!!!


Death plan is done. Burn me,scatter ashes in gulf. I don’t have friends or enough family for a service and don’t want one.


Cremation. No embalming. My survivors can have a service if they want, as long as it’s not in a religious setting and there’s no god talk.
Funerals here in the South can be real horror shows.


I think it's important for loved ones and even just acquaintances to have a funeral or memorial service to pay tribute to your life. Doesn't have to be religious in any way, just a celebration of life. It's important for the grieving process. Perhaps you'll also get some comfort knowing that your loved ones, friends and acquaintances will honor your life in some way, and perhaps bury your body or scatter your ashes in a tranquil place.

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