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"One obstacle to liberty, is the poisonous role played by fellow primates of mine, who think they can tell me what to do, in the name of god, because god has told them that they have this power. So that is one thing I would like to be shot of, right here in the here and now, and my suspicion is, if they really are so religious, where do they want power, in what world they care about, the next one, or this one . . . . . It will be this one every time because they too, know perfectly well, that this is the only life we have got." Christopher Hitchens

THHA 7 Dec 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Well them and the liberal extremists.
No I won’t submit to god nor will I call a 3 time married 6 children creating ex Olympiad who has been systematically emasculated by a House full of racially biased women Caitlyn.

And as long as he has a penis and still has sex with women he’s going to be Bruce Jenner.
Just saying you’ve gotta hate America’s hypocrisy


Christopher was/is a personal hero of mine.


I miss him.

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