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Well, I definitely should be well in to Level 5 by now... still 4 points away from it though and no change in 48hrs. Bit annoying 😐

MattCooper 5 Dec 4

Enjoy being online again!

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It's like the Mercator projection: the closer to the poles the larger the points.


Pour a coffee, put your feet will happen sometime,and your life will remain Completelyy Unchanged.


Why do you want more points? I'd like to get rid of most of mine - the more points you have, the more sad you look.

My competitiveness knows no bounds...even if the prize means I'm the saddest looking person on this site.


We all are being punished for being naughty..... Santa told Admin 😂😂😂


Same. I just leveled up to 6 and have exactly the same number of points I did 2 days ago. Must be frozen or something


I broke it when I made level 8 Sunday.


The site accountant must be on vacation this week. I should be getting close to Level 6 by now.

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