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Religion should be judged by its adherents RAPIST priests felony cover up popes pro violent abortions 4 bible verses genocide across the planet zionism ecocide = abram xIan mohammedan guilty

GreenAtheist 8 Dec 4

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can you put this into a sentence please?

Just bullet point indictment of 3 religions

@GreenAtheist, when it takes but one bullet-proof quote: "religion is opium for the masses."? ?

@walklightly vague and trite from Marx. ...we need to fight hard to reduce violent faiths back to Mount Olympus with all the other dead gawds


Professor Dawkins and a million Atheists forced Joe Ratzinger alias BeneDICK 2 resign. ...the problem is adherents not debating the gibberish sounds gott gawd gods allah. ...seize religious property to aid victims

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