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Some kind of advanced knowledge
DragonDust 6 Dec 5

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Ok so after drinking a few beers I watched mockery of my intelligence and it hit me just where I’d seen something this before and it was Clint Eastwood at the Republican convention talking to a chair as though it was the president ( picture below )

And I also must confess that I apparently don’t know who Ben Shapiro was and after looking him I still don’t care but I gotta better understanding of the pretext now.
It was a swipe at him ???? Congratulations I’m pretty sure that he home and beat the wife after seeing silly ass shit?

It’s still a cartoon of some chode walking around with god and trying humiliate him about his decisions. Which where I have to pump the fucking brakes ok. God...all gods/deities whatever only existed because they were created by a man.
Their rules their logic their punishments are based on the intentions of the person who one day decided to declare that if people were going to live around him then they had to follow his rules!

His rules? He’s just a fucking schmuck who’s dad led them to a place that no one else was living but the rules have changed because there’s an invisible force that can and fuck you up if you obey Kevin.
Ok!? And by the way Kevin says that he gets to have all of the women TADA dumbasses you got what you deserved for believing in Kevin’s shit.

Ok so let’s also remember that the Abrahamic text the Torah and the Old Testament were written over a hundred years after he had passed. Who the fuck knows what Abraham and god actually talked about? Shit for we know everyone was to be swingers or at least that’s what I got with him and Sarah and Hager.

And then Jesus was 300 years later and then it’s been rewritten distorted and rewritten but my favorite one was the King James Bible because he was like make Freddy Mercury feel uncomfortably kind of gay. And Islam is all the above plus the Arabian knights and maybe Aladdin who cares but anyway the chode was right these religions borrowed from those that were way older but were also more anal retentive ? so yeah dick breath watched it drunk and now I’d prefer the creator to be placed in a Saudi Arabian prison with the gay porn tattoos. Mazel tov ??


What I’m the fuck did I just watch!? Well no dickhole god would have to first exist before he could teach the shaved apes of only the central section of the Middle East and no where else fucking science.

Seriously whoever came up with this video needs to have gay porn tattooed their back and then thrown into a Turkish prison.

What about this video offends you so much that this kind of temper tantrum seem warranted to you? You want to throw someone in prison for producing something you don't like? Maybe watch some gay porn to calm down.

@Dietl Dude it was 18 minutes of sheer ignorance and I can express myself however the fuck I want so stand down dude.
And yes whoever made it deserves to feel a similar torment as I felt as though my brain was being raped watching that shit.
So kindly piss off

Would you be so kind as to share your delightful thoughts on this, good sir? I see that you are a fellow of the highest intellect, so please allow us to take part in your great wisdom so the whole of the internet might have a tremendous benefit.
Do you have any arguments or just some uga buga me don't like tis?

@Dietl How’s about it’s even a greater piece nonsensical fiction than the actual bible.
It has more assumptions than trump does while enduring his morning constitutional.

And beyond that sir I owe you nothing so if you don’t mind you can take your snide little attitude and insert it within your didgeridoo.

So no arguments that's what I thought. I'm not sure but you might have missed the point of the video but that's just a guess. It seems that will forever remain a mystery. Too bad 😉

@Dietl Dude with all the women on this site you’ve developed a hard on for me.
It’s kinda flattering actually.
And your right I did miss the point hence the fact that it was actually pointless at least to me and guess what I’m entitled to believe just as you’re entitled be a pompous shit on the internet congratulations ??????


It's much more bearable to watch without having to see Shapiro's real, weasely face. The voice still makes me cringe. Maybe it's too much to ask but when having to listen to dumb arguments I would like to have them at least be presented in a nice fashion. This video accomplishes this quite well. Thanks for sharing 🙂

Dietl Level 7 Dec 5, 2018
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