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Recently, another Void was found in the Universe. Unlike other voids, this one has no stars, no galaxies, no dark matter and no light. It is estimated that this rent in the Universe is 7 billion light years wide. Incomprehensible to us. Any conjecture?

Lilith 5 Dec 5

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Quite frankly, life itself is "incomprehensible" to us. Why consciousness?


I have! There is a Diner in Hot Coffee that qualifies.


I must take exception to the comment about there being no dark matter in this void, wherever it is. Dark matter is called such because so far it has not been seen, just as with dark energy. So that void could be stuffed chockablock with dark matter and we wouldn't know it. Further, the largest 'void' (cold spot in the CMB) I know about is just shy of 2 billion ly across. It also appears that our galaxy may be in that void, isolated from other structures aside from our local group.

It helps when making such assertions to cite sources and provide avenues for independent investigation.

[] You would be wrong.

@Lilith -- No, I wouldn't be wrong. I didn't say anything to be wrong about.

It is indeed fascinating that one galaxy out of the millions we have observed appears to be without the influence of dark matter, but it does not set a trend. It is rather an anomaly worthy of further study. Because NGC1052-DF2 shows stellar motion that indicates there is a lack of dark matter surrounding it does in no way suggest that the void you mention lacks dark matter.

Now, about this galaxy, scientists have taken to social media and the arXiv science paper server to discuss the scant data used to make their rather extreme conclusion. In other words, their tiny data set is hardly reliable and further study is required. What one gets off of sites such as Canoe<dot>com is rarely researched for accuracy. Good science demands skepticism and caution.

“The idea we were seeing a strong signature of a dark matter-free system seems incorrect,” said Michelle Collins, astronomy lecturer at the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom.



The only find that shows such an indication is that found by Lawrence Rudnick and colleagues of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Signals from this particular void seem to indicate that dark matter is either not present or extremely sparse. The important operator here is that it 'seems to indicate' and not that there definitely is a lack of dark matter. To make that determination is going to require a lot more study and a careful remapping of the zone. This zone is the largest void found as far as I know.

However, the zone they studied is just 1bly in diameter and is located within the WMAP. Is this the void you were talking about? Its distance is between 6bly and 10bly.

Wakey wakey! []

@Lilith -- That was fun.


Is this near the cold spot in the background radiation?



Has there been a very long duration exposure of photographic equipment to see if there are protogalaxies or nebula? Which direction from earth and reference location? I have wondered if the expansion is uniform? Or if there might be places where parts of natural "law" are not stable . We don't really know what sustains the assumed laws..


Has there been a very long duration exposure of photographic equipment to see if there are protogalaxies or nebula? Which direction from earth and reference location? I have wondered if the expansion is uniform? Or if there might be places where parts of natural "law" are not stable . We don't really know what sustains the assumed laws..


Links? Citations? Please.




Very interesting but not a clue. Voids are not typical in nature.

Evidently you have not been to Mississippi. 🙂

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