7 10

Easy points. We have some quality posting and some less quality posting. Here is an opportunity for people to like likes and I will like everyone and point will be had toward the "Holy Grail" of The free T-shirt.

alanalorie 7 Dec 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Lol ??


I have been liking likes for awhile now,just for the heck of it?


I prefer likes and posts that are equivalent to the intellect of the people I expected to see on this site. I know this sounds snobbish but frankly it is obvious some of the posts are just for points.

@Lorajay You mean like this post? 🙂


I think by level 7 we're all maxed-out on points for likes. I am. Check the levels page. []


I’m closing in on Level 7. T-shirt Level is miles away. But I’m not discouraged, just keepin’ on...


They don't make movies like that anymore. I miss those days.


Lead us to the Grail, Lancelot! LOL!

Would that be Lancelot Link??

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