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Can folks do me a favor and make a list of all the things that weren’t offensive before but now are? It’s hard keeping track.

MrControversy 7 Dec 6

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Offensive is subjective


Saying/doing things that make others feel bad...same as it always has been, the "Golden Rule".
People who ask a question like this are usually looking for an excuse to do the!


Women, cigarettes, Trump, guns, Hillary, Vegans. Not necessarily in that order.

Trump was always offensive.


A lot of it was offensive then and is just that as awareness and information increases, more people are speaking out now...

As people feel more empowered, they are going to stand up for things and speak out...

Lack of intelligence, empathy, kindness, tolerance and, laziness have always been offensive.

@creative51 Do you think we have gone overboard? I sometimes think so...speaking your opinion in a respectful manner won't offend obviously had a strong reaction to something I said or else you would not have even left your reply to your reply... 😉

@creative51 Can I just say what respect I have for you now? wow...

@creative51 There are times when it is appropriate to be snarky and to call out stupidity, ignorance, etc. So go for it...I respect that you know those yeah...

@creative51 I, too, have followed him since about 1979...I believe it was an interview with Howard Stern when I first realized what a pig he was...demeaning to everyone, a opportunist and a total waste of a human being...he was my gauge for every person I associated with...I refused jobs because the owner was too much like this poor example of anything decent...

I remember the first time I sent an email, unfiltered and harsh...the impact it made on those that saw it was so negative that I swore from that time on to always send it to myself first so I could cool down and make changes...we have lost our filtering ability in these times of anonymity...

You can still be angry at anything, and voice your opinions and rage...the key is not to attack the person but the behavior of the person...the words, the action, etc. have things to say from your life experience...continue to do know yourself well enough to identify your flaws and learn from them and those of others.....


I always thought it would be the right who would ban everything and not the left ....the world's gone mad I tell us !!!!

I don't think ban is the word to be used...what has been banned? Just not smart to say or do certain things, but you still can...I learned a few things that I did not know were offensive...I won't use them out of respect but not because they are banned...

@thinktwice article c-16 in Canada , the anti hate laws in the UK are being used to stop people from saying certain things ...if someone is calling for actual violence yeah lock them up but sharing an opinion no matter how vile is not the same some people are even being arrested for hurting people's feelings it's ridiculous

@Simon1 my apologies for assuming that you were speaking of the USA...I responded to the country of the poster..oddly, I can only seem to find reports from right leaning sources that there are requests to report hurt feelings...and no actual arrest you have a source that is not biased to support your statement?

@thinktwice there's plenty of videos on YouTube about it .

@Simon1 I see...the fake ones...thanks...just as I thought

@thinktwice ahh someone who doesnt agree with you'r world view fake news ...lazy

@Simon1 I was asking you a serious question...I did a google search and could not find the information...I don't need to be right...I just want to find the right answer...I thought it was a reasonable request...I am not lazy, quite the contrary...I take every statement and do my research...I only found fake ones so I was asking you to help educate me...

You are the one who took the low road...


@Simon1 Thanks!

@Simon1 A man was fined, not arrested for posting a dog doing a Nazi salute...was it hate speech/behavior? Yes...but was it a crime...or should it have been? So one person fined? I would have to see the entire dialogue because it appears that this video only shows bias for what Mr. Person says and not any rebuttals...I am still not seeing any videos of actual arrests so far...but to be asked to report it does take up police resources...I can see that argument...police have their own bias so anyone could be fined and or arrested...interesting...

@thinktwice he was arrested taken to court and fined

I found that video! Thanks! Watching it now...

@Simon1 UGH...given that he is somewhat of a public speaker, I think what he did was reprehensible and irresponsible...he did break the law for hateful speech against the Jews and I think he lied about it being a joke for his girlfriend since she did not subscribe to the is a fine line, I think...if you are for freedom of speech, you have to accept the horrible speech as well...if he had picked a different topic...people around the globe have a gut reaction to Nazis so emotions run high, which should not be basis for law...he broke the law...the law is decided by representative of the people...I think it will be debated and changed if it doesn't work the way intended.

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