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So how have any of you dealt with heartbreak and how long did it take to get over it? It's gotten to the point where it's near impossible for me to be optimistic or trusting with a potential partner.

Mattimuss 3 Dec 7

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It took me a year to heal with therapy.


I always remember, unexected triggers pop up all the time! But i am naturally otimistic! Or foolish.....


I guess it is an individual thing. The longer the marriage/relationship was and the more deceit involved....the longer the healing takes (probably).


It took me about a year before I wanted to date again. He left in October last year but emotionally he was a gone a lot longer than that. He was planning to leave me for 18 months and was not paying the mortgage (and I didn't know) so not only was he gone but the house went into forclosure. My heartbreak was debilitating. The first four months I withdrew from everyone and only went to work and home. Then I stopped going to work. I just stopped going, didn't resign or get fired. Didn't leave the house for weeks except to buy vodka or cigarettes. February a friend tried reaching out and when she realized how bad I was getting she called my brother and he came to get everything out of the house and we were able to shortsell it. I didn't get anything close to it's value as there were 2 mortgages but even a few K was better than no K's. I flew to FL in March and I stayed with my brother and his family four months, traveled a lot (following Matisyahu across the country). I was feeling better but didn't want to date until I got a job and apartment. How appealing would I be telling people I lived with my brother and don't I got the job in July, moved out end of August, started dating and now seeing someone regularly. Wow - I just told you my life story....

One year. It took me a year to recover from heartbreak.

One year seems short, I'm just past a year and, though I want to, I don't think I have the capacity to trust someone enough to actually fall in love again. It really sucks... Though it seems like your situation is a bit worse than just heartbreak.

The wounds are deep,and long lasting,trust must be re-established,never rush into a new relationship,as others have advised....Yes being lonely,is hard on your ego,but mend,heal,think.....


It takes as long as it takes. Everyone is different.
If you feel like you cannot be optimistic, or trust a potential partner, DON'T.
If you try to force it, it'll blow up on you.

Just take your time.
A broken heart, and broken trust, take time to get over.
Don't rush it.

Good luck.


Wounds go deep,fear(s) of repeating the failure(s),limit commitment. it seems to be only two choices;



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