Have you gotten caught masturbating...any age...by a family member, or close friend who saw MUCH MORE than you would have liked THAT person to have seen?
LOL...I forgot about this post. I guess YOU AND I are the only folks who've gotten caught...hahahaha!
@Pbpierson2 hell...that was so long ago...what's the big deal!!! It was WHO caught me that was a turn on, lol.
@Pbpierson2 It was my AUNT...she was married to my uncle so I figured...that's okay...but she caught me...JUST as I was...um...finishing!!! And I was so surprised I lost control and, well, just let go all over the place!!! And she just watched me do all that...and lingered!
@Pbpierson2 yes...you're right...they are...did she at least have a nice body??? Nice boobs??? The bush kinda spoiled it all back then!!!