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A friend of mine posted this on FB today.

I had a dream last night that I met Obama and Trump and they were sincerely friendly to each other like all the presidents before trump used to be, and still are.
It made me think how much hatred there is in this country that is now caused by such contentious talk by the current president.
The other presidents can’t stand him, foreign leaders can’t stand him, more than half of Americans can’t stand him.
If trump really wanted to make America great again, he would have such better luck if he tried to be friends and at least show respect to everyone he encounters instead of bullying to get what he wants. I guarantee that his presidency would run much smoother if he did that. I guarantee it. Would it all be peaches and cream? No, no presidency is, but it would be easier. And he might just be liked or at least respected instead of hated.
I, for one, probably wouldn’t agree with his policies, but I wouldn’t hate him over his constant abhorrent behavior that he seems to think is the best way to do business. Hating people isn’t in my character. I yearn for peace and happiness. Sadly it’s been far too long that I’ve seen it in the world.

It was really a nice dream. I wish it was reality. It could have been. Now, it’s too late.

TheGreatShadow 9 Dec 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Nice dream.


I don't think Trump is able to look much far ahead in the future. If he was, he would've cared more about the kind of legacy he'd leave behind instead of behaving condescendingly toward the opposition party, the media, and his former friends and colleagues. You'd think Bush's funeral would bring a little perspective in him to see he's not immortal and that people would not be as generous and forgiving to him as they were to Bush.

Good point. If he WAS smart, he'd do it now. His arrogance and greed will get in the way tho. Plus it was probably a lawyer that told him this. Wouldn't it be a coo if this is a plan, and Pence says fuck you at the last second?


No one ever told him that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar...too bad...things could have been very different...but, too only get one chance to make a first impression...unless you grovel and humble yourself and beg for forgiveness and truly change your ways...ain't gonna happen...

It is far too late for him. Even if he was 100% honestly trying to change his ways, the people that already don't like him still won't.

PS I hate the phrase "you catch more flies with honey". You catch even more with shit.

@TheGreatShadow I agree--too late for him...but the two words mean two different things...kindness and being friendly work a lot better than being ugly and hateful, hence, honey and vinegar...

Perhaps the word flies is the wrong which case, you are do catch more flies with shit...and he has done that...

Nice least...nice dream...

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