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I am afraid of ghosts, though I don't believe in them

saketagrawal 5 Feb 13

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I am not a psychiatrist, and I only have a minimal understanding of fear, but I would think logically you have your doubt about ghosts. I would imagine that in a normal mental state you can intellectually understand that spirits are unlikely real, yet you still maintain some level of belief in them.


Aren't you actually just afraid of the dark? I think it's funny that ghosts disappear with light. Ghosts are not real. But the absence of light most certainly is real.


That seems rather irrational. How does one fear something they know doesn't exist? What exactly is your fear regarding ghosts? Is it movie ghosts that scare you? I could see that as they are meant to be terrifying.


I'm afraid of what people can do. Not ghosts. Yesterday, a co-worker said the chili cups fell with no one touching them. I had walked by, they were on the edge when they fell. They think the store is haunted. Lol


Me too! Though not as much these days.

I realize that the reason I'm afraid is that my species has evolved to fear the dark. I also realize that the real thing I need to be afraid of is other humans. They are the primary thing in my world that can cause me significant harm. Bears, not so much.


Same, there is no way I believe in them, the dark has never concerned me, but there as a question on here re living in the Amityville Horror house, and yes, I would feel fear.

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