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Aw... I just saw this message:

"If we were in the 4th grade in 1934 I would dip your pigtails in my inkwell."

Why can't we go back there? ?

SukiSue 8 Dec 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Let's see: The nation was still in the throes of a depression... The polio vaccine, rock 'n' roll, & the Voting Rights Act were all in the future too.


In truth... I never had pigtails. They got in the way of playing softball! Lol


They definitely were simpler times...

Yes. And so romantic in their own way.

@SukiSue But then none of us would be able to be friends.....or confess to not being caught up in all that Christian mumbo jumbo. 😉

@Lavergne true...

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