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Where I stood before I knew it's where I stood.


Possibilianism Introduction:

Possibilianism is a philosophy which rejects both the idiosyncratic claims of traditional theism and the positions of certainty in atheism in favor of a middle, exploratory ground. The term was first defined by neuroscientist David Eagleman in relation to his book of fiction Sum. Asked whether he was an atheist or a religious person on a National Public Radio interview in February, 2009, he replied "I call myself a Possibilian: I'm open to ideas that we don't have any way of testing right now." In a subsequent interview with the New York Times, Eagleman expanded on the definition:

"Our ignorance of the cosmos is too vast to commit to atheism, and yet we know too much to commit to a particular religion. A third position, agnosticism, is often an uninteresting stance in which a person simply questions whether his traditional religious story (say, a man with a beard on a cloud) is true or not true. But with Possibilianism I'm hoping to define a new position -- one that emphasizes the exploration of new, unconsidered possibilities. Possibilianism is comfortable holding multiple ideas in mind; it is not interested in committing to any particular story."
An adherent of possibilianism is called a possibilian. The possibilian perspective is distinguished from agnosticism in that it consists of an active exploration of novel possibilities and an emphasis on the necessity of holding multiple positions at once if there is no available data to privilege one over the others. Possibilianism reflects the scientific temperament of creativity, testing, and tolerance for multiple ideas.

Dr. David Eagleman sums it up quite nicely: David Eagleman on Possibilianism

NatureGeek 6 Dec 13

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Again someone who doesn't know how words are used. Every skeptic atheist is open to the possibility of there being a god and would want to explore new, unconsidered possibilities.
He desperately wants to define a new position and to be special but fails to see past his misconceptions of what atheist and agnostic means to most people.

Dietl Level 7 Dec 14, 2018

“distinguished from agnosticism in that it consists of an active exploration of novel possibilities and an emphasis on the necessity of holding multiple positions at once if there is no available data to privilege one over the others” - perhaps the word “active” is the only thing that separates the two in my mind, and perhaps it’s only mincing words.


I think that's a pretty narrow--and self-serving--definition of agnosicism.

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