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I wonder if we sometimes confuse people who have a hard time socializing with introverts. There are a wide variety of variables that could give that appearance. Its possible someone is an extrovert but doesn't feel they fit in so they just stay home to shield themselves from all the A-holes out there .

Melanball 5 Dec 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Context, context, context! I socialize beautifully at a table with three or four people, having tea and a chat; at a large gathering I go full mollusk.

Depending on the context we share, you might know me as a thoughtful, funny friend who can be quiet or chatty; a withdrawn, stand-offish type who rarely speaks, and barely makes eye-contact or says hello; or a quiet loner who doesn't say much but speaks articulately and confidently when she has something to say.

Love "full mollusk!" This introvert is going to use that!

@txtreehugger my work here is done 😀


That's pretty much me. I have a shirt that states.... "I like coffee and maybe 3 people!" Aside from my customers I deal with on a daily basis... I keep a few close friends. It's not that I don;t fit in but I can be rather opinionated and tend to let my feelings be known. I have found that assholes don't really want to hear what I think about them. Sometimes they hear anyway!

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