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Halal Slaughter - not viewing for under 18's or those easily upset

magicwatch 7 Dec 15

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I hear there's alot more of that going on in your country these days.


Well thank gawd you’ve never seen a knocker in action ( the biggest guy you can find hits the cow/bull in the head with a 9lb sledge )
Or some of our grandparents who would grab a chicken by the head and spin it until the head would damn near fall off.

I mean don’t get me it would be better if they were to use a lot quicker method but I’m still firing up the grill on the weekend.
But I will say this tough I do refuse to eat veal and watching the process on YouTube want change anyone’s mind you have to work the barn for the full term and then you’ll never eat again. Even the farmer I was working for as a kid wouldn’t eat it if that tells you anything.

@Wangobango3 It seriously is ?


Halal may have come from ancient humans learning the best way to kill an animal which then got incorporated in their religion..
When you think about it. Bleeding an animal is easier, less painful, cleaner and less wasteful then bludgeoning it with a rock or club until it dies.

never heard of the stun gun ? slitting their throats is not humane,

@magicwatch that video made its rounds a few times on fb a few years ago.. I remember a friend looked it up and now all westernized countries do require the animal to be made unconscious before the bloodletting (usually by the bolt to the head)

Dont know about the 3rd world countries.. I assume their still doing things more traditionally..

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