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Anxiety Elf

Things were approaching normal again. The mainstream, just in sight. I even went on date yesterday and I had a lovely night. I went to bed all content, and wrapped up all in joy. Well, until my anxiety popped up, just to annoy!

"For goodness sake anxiety, why can't you let me be?" "Well I noticed that you seemed ok and thats not fine with me! How dare you go outside and act like you're happy? Do you think it's that easy, to get rid of me?"

"Well honestly I thought that I was reaching some kind of high? I thought that maybe after all this time, I may of won the fight? I thought that as I wasn't as sick right now, I was closer to light? But there you go again clutching at my plight!"

"Silly girl you know I'm not that forgiving! You know I'm not going to let you live a normal living. I'm here forever you know, you'll never be normal again. Stop acting like you hate me. I am your closest friend!"

"YOU are certainly not my friend! YOU are driving me ragged round the bend. Please, when will you give me a break and let this madness end? Can I just breathe, without you stealing every other breath. Do I really deserve this until my lonesome death?"

"Over acting again my dear? You know the reason why I'm here. I shelter you from the bad world outside. I shelter you from that messy life. People dear, there is no trust. Stay home alone, it really is a must!"

"NO! I can not have you do this to me over and over. You're not keeping me in this lonely enclosure. I'm venturing out, the world I must see. You have no longer got a hold on me!"

"Calm down love. No need for all the sas. I'm just saying I'm the one that has your back. Everyone else just destroys your sanity. Come on Hayley get back wrapped up in your blankie."

"It is nice and toastie in here, maybe for a minute?" "Yes, yes come on my dear, wrap your body in it. It's so warm and safe you see. You don't need anyone but me."

And again I lay there arguing with myself. Dissuaded once again by my nasty anxiety elf. I know that I will push through this at some point in time. But right now my anxiety and I are cuddled up just fine!

TigerRose 4 Dec 17

Enjoy being online again!

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That is an even balance of BOTH Beautiful and SAD. Mixing with a lot of addicts (both using and clean) i have witnessed a lot of anxiety. I would love to say it always gets better, but all i can say is it doesn't keep everyone in it's grip. I have witnessed it get better though...Mostly from people who stay sober. Emotions can be beautiful, and that description is Very emotional.

Thank you I really appreciated this comment! 🙂


Sounds like my wife of 30 years.
Been through highs and Lows, but still together.
Hope you find the person you need to help you.
It never ends, but you can live through it.
And hopefully with a good friend.

Thank you so much I hope you and your wife have happy days!


Anxiety is a pain in the ass. Hard to deal with because you never know when it will strike or what will set it off this time.
Kind of like playing Russian Roulette mentally.

Beautiful post.
Take it 1 day at a time is all that can be done

Thank you so much I really appreciate this!


WOW!! Well said!

Thank you so much 🙂


4 Ways to Stop Beating Yourself Up, Once and for All


After growing up with a critical, alcoholic father, this book helped me tremendously:

"Taming Your Gremlin - A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way"

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