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I spent from May to November getting paid to live in a tent in Mendocino county. It was the most awesome experience being disconnected from everything. Getting dressed while laying down and then squatting to unzip tent is great physical exercise.

Treehugger 6 Dec 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Women who say they refuse to sleep on the ground again is a frequent gripe by male hikers.

Air mattresses have improved tremendously in the last 40 years. I am always looking for a backpacking partner.


Where can I sign up? I need a reboot. Is there cancer treatment? I can go a month without. Why not? It might be best for me.


sounds like fun! I'm looking to transition to a career in the wilderness; I'm done with Social Work and ready to travel!

I'm really ready to escape. Too. Travel to anywhere.

@confidentrealm I'm getting a van and heading out this summer, starting as a sabbatical, but hopefully it will become more long term.


My first job in archaeology was nine months in a tent i central Arizona on the middle Gila River. And then again in northern Wyoming. Many years backpacking, tent camping and field work involving tents.


I lived in mostly tents until the year before I started Kindergarten. It ended in August '83 when my mom went into into labor with the twins.

MsAl Level 8 Dec 17, 2018

@Donotbelieve Twin boys, pretty sure they're identical but they never found out for sure. I cried when they were born because I wanted little sisters but I guess they're alright now.


I spent a month living in a tent in the Kenyan bush and thought it was quite fabulous living, indeed.

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