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Travel is enriching, in so many ways. It brings this big world closer together and gives us new insights on how we might live differently and sometimes even better.

I had to cancel a planned "big trip" 2 years ago when I was hit by a careless motorist while on a casual Sunday morning walk and experienced a broken pelvis. Now I have reset that trip for the end of this May, when I head first to Kiev, Ukraine to finally see the city at my own pace. I was first there in November of 2015 to give invited lectures at a Psychology conference, but they kept me so busy I only got out briefly in the late evening for any sightseeing.

I am looking forward to meeting again with some colleagues there at the university and seeing what seemed to be a MOST beautiful European city. From Kiev, I fly then to Warsaw, where I have had 2 lecturing appointments. I always enjoy my time in Warsaw and will also visit colleagues at the university there and a couple of my ex-students as well.

From Warsaw, I fly onward to Manchester, where I spent a full academic year on a Fulbright, and all of my friends I look forward to seeing are NOT from the university, but are part of the running community in the suburb of Stockport. I ran that year with the Stockport Harriers, and set some lifelong friendships bringing Stockport runners to Sacramento and many subsequent trips back to visit in Stockport.

From Stockport, I fly backwards to Oslo to catch a world-class trackmeet that has been on my "bucket list" for at least 25 years. This meet has the featured event of a stellar class mile race in one of the best fields assembled every year. From Oslo I fly back to Sacramento to return to my regular routine....until the next interesting trip, of course.

I try to do at least one, if not 2 "big trips" per year and always get out to Honolulu every December to help as a volunteer at the Finish Line of their big international marathon race there.

EVgeorge 5 Dec 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I've wanted to do Oslo and don't know if I'll get to it or not before the end ... enjoy and let us know about your experiences!


Enjoy your trip one never knows what life has in store for one.

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