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So . . . You Believe In Karma? Think again . . . . From Merriam-Webster Dictionary. - - "Karma" - - "The force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence."
I do not buy it. This is the ultimate let-the-filthy-ruler or crooked-ass-politician (Henry Kissinger for example) who has committed all kinds of atrocities off of the hook doctrine. Christianity shares the same fault, one of a huge number of faults, in that it holds that people will be rewarded or punished in some fanciful afterlife. It takes the responsibility away from society for punishing such behavior, and sublimates it to some abstract non-existent realm . . . . . And, who exactly do you suppose it serves? . . . The very people who do the atrocities. As long as you believe that they will be punished in some "future existence", you are a lot less likely to hold them accountable in the here and now . . . . And were exactly does that get you and them? No surprise that those in power have so much to gain from doctrines like these, and no surprise that they do what they can to perpetuate and support such belief systems.

THHA 7 Dec 21

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Kissinger was a brilliant and very successful statesman who received many awards for his service. By not judging him ill I bring good karma and avoid bad karma. What is one person’s war crime is another person’s heroic act of patriotism. There is no one standard.

In the Hindu and Buddhist traditions our sense of self as separate bodily entities is illusory. It follows that whatever “self” arises through transmigration is also illusory and that karma is a part of that illusory process. In their traditions the illusion is eventually overcome—it has to be overcome—there is no other option.That is totally different than the Christian concept of heaven and hell.

I do not ascribe all the misery of humanity to those in power. IMO we cause our own unhappiness by cultivating untrue thoughts. We are not victims.

I would be forced to disagree. The deaths in Cambodia did not happen to people who caused their own unhappiness.


I love how Bhuddism always gets brought into religious discussions...


As Napolean said: we need religion in order to keep the poor from killing the rich.


That's a little too simplistic of a definition in my opinion. In my study of buddhism I interpret karma to mean cause and effect, nothing more or less. There may be some sects of buddhism who believe it literally to be a supernatural ethic that makes things "right" but I think this is a misunderstanding of trying to view an eastern philosophy through the color of western cosmology.

What I take from it is that every action has a reaction. Its a newtonian law in advice form. You go around acting in anger and you will invite mishaps and other angry people looking to escalate with you. You get impatient while trying to do something that takes skill and you get clumsy and fuck it up worse. You drive like a jackass and people start brake checking and boxing you in. You leave 3 car lengths of space ahead of you and encourage merging and you have the power to diffuse traffic jams that would have occured before they ever do. All these are examples of karma to me. I don't believe in a metaphysical law of attraction but a very firm chain of cause and effect. People tend to get hoist by their own petard when they put out momentum with negative motives and steamroll themselves, it's no coincidence. Almost a law of nature but it might be self inflicted, who knows? Sociopaths might escape karma but anyone with a conscience doesnt.

Not to say people don't get away with shit sometimes and that they're absolved til later, but in general as a personal policy we should all behave as if karma is true. It just feels good to live that way. Like all psychological or religious theory on how to manage the mind or ethos, it works significantly better if you apply the theory inwardly instead of worrying about calling out anyone else's misdeeds.

I absolutely agree with your theory on how this plays out when it comes to christianity but I don't think buddhism has been a main tool of control for governments. Theyve been shunned by governments, isnt that why the dalai lama was in exile? Historically you had to work really hard to get a guru or a temple to take you in. They werent lookin for converts to control, everyone's free to fuck off n not listen to a word if ya like as far as buddhists are concerned lol.

Nailed it.

@Wurlitzer @Maturin ANY religion that maintains that there is some fanciful afterlife is a lie, it can not be proven any more than you can prove that my purple and white polka-dotted elephant with wings that flies around the rings of Saturn with a unicorn stuffed up its ass exists. Maintaining any form of claim of an afterlife has the very same effect as mentioned above. Carpe diem.

@maturin1919 I don't practice hinduism but i doubt many of em believe in that pantheon of gods as literal anymore. Either way not really my department to defend.
@THHA Buddhism has no gods or necessary afterlife. Buddha was initially hindu but he also taught not to believe anything you couldnt prove for yourself, even if he said it. It is possible to practice philosophical buddhism without being religious. Nothing supernatural necessary to practice it, otherwise my antitheistic skeptical ass would have nothing to do with it. It really has almost nothing in common with theistic religions, especially the abrahamic death cults.

@maturin1919 yeah probably does, like I said I never presumed to speak for them. What I do know is the close tie between religion and government like the OP implies is more of a western/abrahamic invention than it is applicable to eastern religions.

The whole hindu culture from that religion probably does keep people pretty docile what with the social caste system, but I don't think it was by government design quite as directly as islam or catholicism was.

They came up with yoga and martial arts so even if it is another hokey religion theyve already contributed more usable fitness medicine to the world than any other ancient culture right there. I just don't care to overtly criticize a bunch of indians if they still think they're coming back as a cow. I don't think a literal belief in karma in any way absolves anyone of bad behavior like the system of deathbed forgiveness in the west does. If they do believe it literally then the whole point is you're gonna pay and I personally can wash my hands of it, which is a pretty good attitude vs seeking revenge.

Studying hinduism and buddhism was great for me personally, Ida never had the mental space to let go of the protestant brainwashing I grew up in if I couldnt examine another part of the world's philosophy on life. Of all the non proselytizing harmless jibberish to go after the hindus and buddhists have gotta be the biggest waste of time.

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