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I've been increasingly disgusted with and ignoring politics and politicians for years. Not calling terrorism what it is has always seemed like insanity to me. I wish the explanations in the link below had been given long before they were. I agree with not generalizing and not letting extremists get away with claiming they represent a whole group. I don't like generalizations, labels, resentments and lies of omission. Life is too complicated to communicate effectively with sound bites and social media postings.


Markss76118 7 Dec 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Isn't terrorism a tactic? I think one of the reasons we are not winning the war on "terrorism" is because we are afraid to define our enemy. "Islamic Totalitarianism" is our enemy and it includes the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, Hamas, the theocratic regime in Iran, the Islamic State, along with numerous al Qaeda offshoots. If we define our enemy as terrorists, does that include their State sponsors who aren't directly using terrorist tactics, but are funding, teaching and inciting their followers to use them? I don't believe that all Muslims are our enemy, in fact, most of them are not. But, in the name of not offending some, we are ignoring the common thread that unites our enemy. They have the common goal of imposing their interpretation of Islamic law — by force. They are holy warriors, pursuing a jihad, in the name of religious totalitarianism. And the religion they want to enforce is Islam.

@OwlInASack I wrote that we are ignoring the common thread that unites our enemy. The point I was trying to make is that if we identify the enemy as Islamic Totalitarianism, we can then focus our efforts at the source, rather than only on chasing down the foot soldiers.


Honestly if we were to look at the legal definition of terrorist in The United States we’d have to go after every street gang, hate group and I do mean all of them, biker gangs, drug lords, some churches, several police and sherif departments and even a couple of branches of government ( irs,cia;etc )

So broad stroking a religion, a race or even a political party just because a group of individuals chose to use it as their brand is a propagandist wet dream and even though I’m not personally a fan of Islam I could never attempt to equate it with terrorism it would be absolutely ignorant to do so.

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