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Can we be done with the gun debate? I'm tired of arguing against people's feelings. Go read any of the 5 other threads about gun control from the past few days. You'll see that the anti gun side has no good arguments. It's all feelings, cherry picking and false narratives on that side. I've still yet to see any one make a coherent argument for gun control. The debate was over when Obama supported the second amendment and Wal-Mart started selling AR-15s. That was years ago. Accept it, guns aren't going to disappear from the world, let alone the US, no matter your feelings. Stop Ken Haming and start researching. Believe what you want, just don't infringe on others rights. By all means though, if you can supply conclusive data about gun control please do. I'm open to good arguments. I'm just sick of the dishonesty.

jayneonacobb 7 Feb 16

Enjoy being online again!

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The liberals on this website are obsessed with imposing gun control and they’re never going to give up. Hell they don’t even consider that your chances of getting shot by a mass shooter is less than being struck by lightning. They’ll never be satisfied till they’ve seized all the guns.


The government infringes on many rights of Americans. Some warranted some not. But doing a background check should not infringe on anyone's rights. If your not a criminal or mentally disabled it won't affect you. But I don't believe our leaders are capable of doing whats right and whats common sense.

How are those background checks working out? Are you aware that the black market exists? Inalienable and unabridgable. Limiting guns is an abridgment and alienation of the right to self defense. No right can be infringed upon. That is what a right is. The bill of rights is the law for government, not granted by it.


And I am tired of hearing the usual canned NRA nonsense to support gun ownership against all the blatantly obvious evidence that makes the US the only western developed nation on earth where you have weekly school shootings, several people getting shot by toddlers every month, and generally orders of magnitude more innocent victims of gunshots than all those other countries.
Guns are a non-issue in practically all developed civilised democracies, apart from the US.
The almost religious belief that gun ownership has to be a fundamental right is a dogma that is as silly as many religious beliefs but actually even more harmful and responsible for far more deaths, injuries and human tragedies.

[] that's peer reviewed and pulled from government stats. It has all the data represented. You're just wrong.

More canned NRA responses and completely irrelevant to the discussion. Look, the whole rest of the world is laughing at gun-fanatics like you because even primary school children can see the relationship between innocent people killed and an inflation of gun ownership.
But in the US, all those dead innocent victims do not matter because gun advocates like you keep preventing sane legislation. Why? Usually because either they are just a little bit intellectually challenged or, probably more often, they have a big interest in making profit from the arms business.
Profit is more important than not having constant school shootings like most of the rest of the world, apparently.

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