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I’ve seen several people on here bring up the issue of dealing with religious people questioning their morality since they are non believers.
And your response shouldn’t be explaining your morality but instead the morality of their religion.

48thRonin 8 Dec 28

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There is a pretty solid argument that shows that morality can not be defined by religious beliefs. I've forgotten it. Anyone remember? I mean, I guess I could look it up and stuff but that would be boring.

A common argument is that if humans didn't know lying, stealing, and murder were wrong until god gave Moses tablets from Mt. Sinai, humans would never have made it that point in the first place.

@greyeyed123 But if you read both the old and new testaments you’ll find that nearly all of their biblical “ heroes “ violated all 10 in every chapter.
If the Bible is anything it’s a textbook case of hypocrisy in the face of they’re own believers.

@48thRonin And the only place the bible actually lists the "ten commandments" as the "the ten commandments", the list does not bear any resemblance to what the other 10 are. (Were a lot of people cooking baby goats in their mother's milk? It does sound kinda gross.)


@greyeyed123 Wow really that’s awesome and don’t forget to wipe before you leave ????

@48thRonin There is an apologetic to counter this, but I can't remember what it was--except that it was stupid.

@48thRonin You might find this funny. I did a search on bible gateway for the words "ten commandments". The 10 in Exodus 20 (the familiar ones) are not identified in the passage as the ten commandments. So they added "the ten commandments" to it, but put them in brackets to show they were not in the original text, lol. Good grief.

@greyeyed123 Ok that’s some real information right there. ??


If they think I am immoral simply because I don't believe as they do, it is them that have an issue, not I.


I totally concur!


You are absolutely correct about that.

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