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My brother's mother-in-law went into hospice and has since passed. My sister-in-law emailed to tell me that her mother was in hospice. She thought that was a perfect time to troll me with some sort of pro-Trump chain mail "President Trump wants you to pass this along to twenty friends...". WTF? She knows I'm not a fan of his. She, herself, has unfriended me on Facebook because of our polar-opposite political views. She, must have, thought her mother's impending death was a perfect time to irritate her brother-in-law with some BS like that. Don't have to mention that she and my brother are ignorant Trumpsters since by definition if you're a Trumpsters, you're ignorant.

david75090 7 Dec 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Don't take the bait. Ignore her as this is what people who support trump want. They live to create chaos like trump does. I would just give her your condolences and not mention anything about the trump bullshit.


Take the high road. Just give her your condolences for her loss. I wouldn't give her the satisfaction that she has the power to ruffle your feathers.

I replied to her email, after removing the attached chain email part, and offered my condolences.


She's following Trump's lead of turning anything into something about him? That's actually kind of scary.


tRUMPANZEES!!! Don't let them under your skin buddy!!! And all means express your condolences...JUST as WANGOBANGO3 suggests!!!

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