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Why do you say that you're only 99.9% sure that god doesn't exist?

I'm not currently in my garage, but I can say with 100% certainty that there is not a full size African elephant wearing a pink tutu and dancing the macarena in there (you're welcome for the visual). But unlike god, we can prove that African elephants and tutu's exist.

ScubaWags 7 Oct 30

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Can you say with 100% certainty that there isn't one somewhere in the world? I'm 99.9% sure there isn't, but can you prove it? This is as bad as hardcore religious people saying they know with 100% certainty that there is a God. You don't have proof that God doesn't exist. I don't either. I only have what I currently know, and that is enough to make me believe there's no divine being. But I don't know everything. I doubt you do either.

I believe Occam's Razor might help you. Although Occam can't prove God doesn't exist, it would go along way in allowing you to discern shit from Shin-o-la.


There is nothing can be 100 % for sure .


Because, rationally, we have to approach it scientifically. That's means we may be 99.99999999999999999% sure he doesn't exist, which is the same as 100%, but, if by some chance a god did shoe himself, we have to be open to it, even though it w ont ever happen, because he doesn't exist. And, let's put it this way, if Jesus were real, and did come back, I would kill him, because he is a sadistic and torturous person. I would kill him before he could taint the world any further, and I would do it quietly, so that he didn't get the martyr status again.

Good thing you're saying that here-lol. And why would 'Jesus' even want to come back since his followers are doing a bang-up job of destroying freedom and the world themselves?

Personally, as a studied theologian on my own & someone who still takes the occasional theology class from Georgetown U, raised and taught by Nuns, priest, and the Jesuits, I love using their Bible to challenge them. I openly say to Christians, I hate what you've done to my Jesus. Claiming ownership of the Jesus' philosophy of; love thy neighbors, judge least you be judged, and that which you do to the least . . . This has sparked many discussions and friendships that have lasted for decades as they seek answers. I claim Jesus as the anarchist he was, the socialist and hippie peace maker. Just as I do with Voltaire, Descartes, and even Fyodor Dostoevsky, a deeply religious man who wrote many inspiring works such as The Brothers Karamazov. "So long as man remains free he strives for nothing so incessantly and so painfully as to find someone to worship."

I see religious people as victims of propaganda coming from the most powerful and long lived oligarchy know to man. While I don't see religion dying in my life time, I sure as hell want to weaken its power of control. I believe humanism more than Christianity, lives what Jesus asked his followers to do.

Rather than go with textual criticism, I use Occam's Razor to ask the question, do you actually think Jesus said, 'I've come not to bring peace, but a sword, to divide . . .' given what he did in his life?

First, the go into overload that an outspoken atheist and writer has claimed their savior as the anarchist, socialist, hippie. I love it when I see that the lights are on, but no one is home. You can reason someone out of what they weren't reasoned into. It takes time & respect. One protestant minister who became friends with this militant atheist over the years had his faith weakened by my questions and unwavering commitment to humanism.


We're not always talking about gods whose properties are known to us. For example, I don't know if a deistic God exists or not, but I know for sure that the Christian good doesn't, does that make more sense?

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