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For 1st time in long time, I watched the ball drop in Time Square. I listened to New York, New York, What a Wonderful World, and Imagine of John Lennon's. I also got to see New Years all over the World. It was Great. I was watching CNN and Anderson got drunk. His special friend co-hosted with him. I watched New Years in Key West where the Drag Queen comes down in a glitzy high heel, New Years in New Orleans where CNN's Don Lemon got pretty high, lol. I saw New Years in Las Vegas. It was an absolute crazy night.

AntaresRose 8 Jan 1

Enjoy being online again!

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The other thing that was great was that since every country usually has New Year's at a different time, we saw New Years in London, Germany, Singapore, all over the world we would be there with them on tv when they all had Happy New Years. It was amazing to see New Years live in in Mexico and all those places just like I was with them.


Sounds great. I was asleep by ten.

I usually am. Since becoming a senior, my sleep patterns are unpredictable, sometimes up all night. I ask my shrink. No sympathy. He said get up and do something, lol.

@AntaresRose Mine too. I have found that I have to stop being on the computer at least one hour before bed or I will be up half the night trying to go to sleep.

will remember that.

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