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I saw something quite disturbing the other day and if you're not aware of this you're eyes are now open. I am not a politically opinionated person by any means, however what we're talking about here is quite possibly the most disturbing current affairs issue I've seen in well over a decade. I'm talking about corruption. Real, systemic, institutional corruption and it's not in some far away snowy fairy land. A place where one of our colleagues happens to be seeking asylum comes to mind. No, it's right here under our noses. A few of you magistrates and nobleman won't be surprised. As soon as I figure out the post scheme I'll send the link. I saw an absolute nightmare of a post out here the other day, whew! Someone help the poor people would ya!?


th3d3stroy3d 6 Jan 3

Enjoy being online again!

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It's very interesting to note the vast difference in perspective. If you would like to know more about this there's an excellent Joe Rogan podcast episode with Peter Boghossion (original author and academia writer) where they get into the more absurd details.


Funny how the western world talk about corruption in Africa, Asia but don't look at their own corruption, that is only business as usual.

F.A.I.L. (that's what the article was about)


Conservatives are good at playing the victim. It's funny that they sincerely insist that we tolerate racists, homophobes, transphobes, etc. WTF?

JimG Level 8 Jan 3, 2019

"(...) the most disturbing current affairs issue I've seen in well over a decade"? #terror? In what world are you living, dude?

Dietl Level 7 Jan 3, 2019

Hopefully the one where you read the article. Do your feewee weewees hurt from the statement or the tag? Cuz I'm just fuckin around with the tags.

@itsallgoodman I read the article and even though I see the problem and I agree to a certain extent, some of the things I don't agree. But that's not really the point. Calling something like this terror or "the most disturbing current affair issue" is delusional.

@Dietl .... I'm thinking this is why adding and removing tags is sort of a shared task. Also, technically I never "called" anything terror. I just used a feature of the site for a little tongue in cheek, albeit a shitty feature, don't hate the player hate the game yo.

@Dietl additionally feel free to tag as "delusional". I'm thoroughly open to all criticism, be it constructive and with a possible suggestion, or vague, abstract and entirely unfounded and missing the point entirely...

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