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Well second holiday period in a row I have spent in the hospital. This time it was flesh eating bacteria on a abscess on my ass. Closest I have ever come to death and must say the thought of praying or a god just never entered my mind. When they asked me what my religion was I remember telling them I was an atheist and “ let’s science the shit out of this”... thank Emory university for providing the Dr Thompson with the surgical training to cut off half my but and keep me alive!

Phin 6 Jan 3

Enjoy being online again!

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I am home and doing fine thank you

Phin Level 6 Jan 5, 2019

Glad you're still with us. Good luck.


Yay! For science! Hang in there, Xoxo!


tell that surgeion to get a piece of your ass a different way. Dude you got through some rough stuff. Hope that infection is history

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