I would like to see the world rid of superstition and religion. While this seems to be occurring throughout the world, it is occurring very slowly. Since the Enlightenment, it seems that we are in the Dawn of Enlightenment. Understanding and knowledge are far outpaced by population growth and beliefs that are stubbornly adhered to. Perhaps one day, we will each live much longer lives; lives long enough for each of us to come to the realization that religion and other superstitions are fabrications and should be abandoned altogether. However, even the afternoon sun casts some shadows. We will likely always have that darkness of ignorance present in some way or form, but we try to reduce it while we can.
If everything in the universe exists in a state of polarity then it is unlikely that your wish will come true, if only for that reason. It seems that longevity does not bestow enlightenment or wisdom upon every individual or institution, especially, if they are entrenched in their positions and have a vested interest for remaining there.
It will never disappear. We are so hardwired to see padrons that there will be always some false positives going around.
We all have those, no matter how rational we are there are always some face value believes that we carry. It would be highly unpractical to investigate everything.
The important point is to be open to give a step back when some of those "truths" are questioned instead of reacting emotionally.