If there is anyone out there who would like to have someone to talk to, exchange ideas, have debates about politics or religion any other topic, please feel free to reach out to me. I miss intelligent conversation so much.
Welcome to the heathens? group. I grew up in KY, SE part of the state. There's a few of us Liberal/atheist folks around here. I'm more of an agnostic leaning to atheism but there's lots of varieties here.
I see you're from Irvine, I go through there sometimes to go down in the mountains. Even have a brother who is an attorney there. If you want to talk books, movies, religion, politics, I probably have an opinion.
Welcome to the group, hopefully you'll like it here.
I am new to Irvine. I've been here about nine months or so. I've lived all over Central Kentucky. Paris, Lexington, Winchester, Lawrenceburg. I love Kentucky I just wish there were more things around that I like to do and are interested in. Oh oh, and things I can afford. LOL
Bluegrass represent!
What's up pamlamichelle. There are a few of us commonwealth folk hereabouts. Probably not enough for an atheist convention or anything lol but, don't be a stranger! Welcome to the site.
We are few and far between but we do exist! Glad to know there are some Kentucky folk around here.
That is a really good question. I have often asked myself the same thing. The only answer I could ever come up with was that like most Christians, they ignore the things they want to ignore and only pay attention to this stuff that supports their own personal views. I know that's a pretty vague answer but that's the only thing I could ever come up with that made any kind of logical sense.
You will get plenty of it here. Some intelligent and some not so intelligent, but I am sure you will enjoy it all.
Anything has to be better than the redneck views I am surrounded with in Kentucky